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Construction Committee 7 17 08
Library Construction Committee
July 17, 2008

·       From the Committee: Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Panny Gerken, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson.
·       Absent: Bill Strapko.

·       From Lerner Ladds + Bartels: R. Drayton Fair

·       From Daedalus Projects, Inc.: Bob White

Also present: Ann Hurd (Main St.), Nan Shnitzler (Bolton Common)

This meeting was held at the library’s temporary space (563 Main St., lower level).

Roland called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Panny asked Ann Hurd for a written report on the capital campaign.  Ann replied that she cannot supply this week due to her travel schedule, but will do so when she gets back.

Minutes of 6/5/08 were approved as written (motion: John; second: Chris; unanimous in favor).

The committee approved BFS Printing’s proposal to print construction bid documents (motion: Panny; second: Pam; unanimous in favor). The proposals are attached in hard copy.

FY08 bills, which were previously encumbered, were approved as follows:
·       DPI invoice #2896-080511 in the amount of $5,000.00
·       DPI #2896-080609 $4,000.00
·       LL+B #08-0722, $2,955.52
·       DPI (Hancock) #2896-080632, $997.50
·       DPI (GS Environmental) #2896-080728, $1514.00
(Motion: Panny; second, Pam; unanimous in favor)

Lerner Ladds + Bartels’s invoice #09-0722 in the amount of $50,700.00 was approved for payment (motion: John; second: Pam; unanimous in favor).

Bob White reviewed the calendar for bids.  The next major event is tomorrow morning’s review of the 60% construction documents.  Additional events on the schedule are as follows:
·       8/6 Publish in the Central Register
·       9/10: filed sub-bids due
·       9/11: next full committee meeting
·       9/24: 2 p.m., General Contractor bids due
·       9/25: full committee meeting
·       10/2: Board of Selectmen meet, sign contract with GC

Bob noted that we are required to take the lowest bid.  Drayton noted that bidders must be DCAM-certified.  Those present discussed the application and reference checking process.  Ann asked how bidders’ financial viability is determined.  Bob replied that DCAM recertifies annually.

Roland announced that as our deadline with MBLC approaches, Anne Larsen has requested that the OPM file weekly project reports.  Bob said that the first such report was mailed out today.

Kelly reviewed the move to 563 Main St.  We will use National Library Relocations to move the collection and some of the furniture.  During the third week of August, a prison work crew will move the rest of the furniture and will load items to be stored into PODS.  Gary Perwak, the town’s IT employee, is working with Kelly and C/W MARS to move computer and network equipment and establish connections at the temporary site.  Kelly noted that there is a question about how Gary’s expenses will be paid (by the town or the project).  The Trustees asked Gary for an estimate, which Gary will provide early next week.

Roland announced that the appeals period for the Zoning Board of Appeals’ decisions had ended with no appeals filed.  A hard copy of the ZBA’s decisions is attached.  Next step along these lines: obtaining a building permit.  DPI will start the application process, and the GC will finish.  Several present noted that building inspector Frank Krysa’s retirement is imminent. Bolton has an assistant inspector, David Drugge.

The public water supply for the library and public safety projects will be the subject of a conference call with DEP on Tuesday, July 22 at 2 p.m.  

Panny commented that a recent meeting of the Selectmen and abutters regarding the sewer force main went smoothly, with the Selectmen discussing a barrier that would protect private wells along the main’s path to the treatment center.

Drayton told the committee about a recent meeting of the interior design team.  Lucas, Stefura’s Betsy Ricciarelli and Lianne Ames will take cues from the architects, who in turn take cues from the 1903 building.  The team is now working on bid specs for carpet.  Mickie asked about carpet and indoor air quality, noting her concern about offgassing and asking whether we can specify a certain manufacturer.  Drayton replied that we cannot do so, as formulas must be nonproprietary.  He further noted that the project will not be LEED certified (i.e,, paperwork is not being submitted) but that the architects are using LEED as a standard for specs.

Drayton then presented views of the interiors so far.  He showed the light fixtures that have been chosen for various locations in the building.  All except one—the design proposed for the stairwell, which was deemed too utilitarian—met with general approval.  Most of the fixtures are inspired by the Arts and Crafts or Mission style, with the exception of those above the children’s desk (which will be in fun shapes such as a zeppelin) and those in the storytime room (which Drayton compared to drops of water). Panny asked about the number, type, and expense of bulbs in these fixtures.   Drayton replied that engineer Carlos DeSousa has promised no more than 10 different bulbs, many of which will be standard and widely available.

Drayton showed views of the circulation desks.  He suggested that the children’s desk might be laser-cut with scenes from children’s books, or with silhouettes.  The committee didn’t favor cubbies built into this desk.

Drayton then told the committee of his recent meeting with assistant building inspector David Drugge. (Aimee Lombardo and Kelly were also present.) The important question is the status of the new building code, which has been on the verge of being adopted for some time, and whether the project will be subject to the current or presumably-future code.  Pulling a building permit in October 2008 means there is a good chance that the new code will be in effect.  A different code means a redesign of the central staircase and/or the addition of an additional means of egress from the second floor, which will take a portion of the program room to accomplish. After some discussion, those present urged Drayton to contact Mr. Drugge for a written statement about which code to use.

Panny asked Drayton and Bob about plans to waterproof the 1903 basement.  Bob replied that waterproofing will be done, and he has a product recommendation.

Drayton discussed deduct alternates, or items that can be taken out if bids come in too high.  He advised the committee to consider the matter, and commented that there really isn’t much to deduct from this design.  

Those present briefly discussed fundraising, noting that the list of naming opportunities is in agreement with the design.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library